Congratulations to Helena Saven and Lulia Tesfamariam, two of our wonderful research assistants at the EDEN Lab, for the amazing work they have done using hypothesized data from the Promoting Empathy and Affiliation in Relationships (PEAR) study. “Seeing Eye to Eye: The Relationship Between Reciprocal Eye Gaze and Callous-Unemotional Traits in Young Children” will be presented at the UPenn Fall Research Exposition on Monday, September 18, 5:00-8:00pm, in Houston Hall. Their project seeks to explore the relationship between eye gaze (measured using one of the most innovative technologies in naturalistic psychological research, real-time mobile eye-tracking glasses) and callous-unemotional traits in children during an interaction task with their parents. For more information about the PEAR study and the hypotheses of their project, check out the fantastic description and video made by Helena and Lulia: